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Over 150 results.
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1. [EAGNQPP] Discovered: 2/11 -2024 02:13:47 Flashes: 1 Posts: 2 (
9mkinen.swf | / /fap/ Thread 33395 Age: 62.15d Health: 50.56% Posters: 2 Posts: 2 Replies: 1 Files: 1+2 Anon 2nov2024(sa)01:39 OP P1 [IMG] 9mkinen.swf (368.3 KiB) 480x500, Uncompressed. 101...

2. [VUE1FUH] Discovered: 26/8 -2024 09:34:46 Flashes: 1 Posts: 1 (
sick_torture.swf | File: sick_torture.swf-(3.55 MB, 448x336, Loop) purge on the chan Anon :42 Mods finally decided to delete all the shit threads.

3. [MUSC1JE] Discovered: 26/7 -2024 17:29:10 Flashes: 1 Posts: 29 ( F !!
RAISE YOUR /f/ LAG (vectorized).swf | File: RAISE YOUR /f/ LAG (vectorized).swf-(3.92 MB, 400x400, Loop) Here we go again dadfish !!KAFzWRgO7s2 :28 The second weekend of the 2024 Summer Elite is here and /f/ has a...

4. [CHJKJC1] Discovered: 18/5 -2024 23:50:48 Flashes: 1 Posts: 7 (
house boombox.swf | File: house boombox.swf-(1.55 MB, 720x480, Loop) Flash Tools Anon :33 I'm looking to make a flash, but don't want to give adobe money. Flashdevelop looks good, but having diff...

5. [CTI1FM9] Discovered: 24/4 -2023 13:37:50 Flashes: 1 Posts: 9 (
Chinese Torture Test.swf | File: Chinese Torture Test.swf-(416 KB, 425x275, Hentai) Anon :32 Anon :03 MOAR Where can I found Moar of this? Anon :00 here's some more from twisted humour https://www.youtu...

6. [CZQE7CI] Discovered: 11/2 -2023 19:54:00 Flashes: 1 Posts: 2 ( F
isso aqui é uma guerra this is a war versão policial facção central.swf | / /show/ Thread 28924 Age: 77.02d Health: 0% Posters: 1 Posts: 2 Replies: 0 Files: 1+2 Anon 11feb2023(sa)19:50 OP P1 isso aqui é uma guerra this is a war versão policial facçã...

7. [TOWJ5EI] Discovered: 28/1 -2023 02:04:37 Flashes: 1 Posts: 24 ( F !
russia's new anthem.swf | File: russia's new anthem.swf-(5.62 MB, 640x360, Other) Anon :26 125k dead kacaps I enjoy it :^) Anon :33 is this supposed to be funny or something? explain yourself OP and de...

8. [HY2GRIE] Discovered: 25/9 -2022 06:46:31 Flashes: 1 Posts: 14 ( !
homerun.swf | File: homerun.swf-(1.99 MB, 640x480, Game) Anon :54 how hard could it possibly be? :) Anon :17 can't even get past piglet. Anon :27 This is torture, why do this to yourself? A...

9. [P276HOL] Discovered: 22/5 -2022 05:33:57 Flashes: 1 Posts: 9 (
SOVIET VICTORY.swf | File: SOVIET VICTORY.swf-(909 KB, 640x480, Loop) Anon :28 Anon :07 ruskies death in Ukraine The best! Anon :50 nintendo good, but you can only play tetris on it Anon :33 Cuckh...

10. [KDP5562] Discovered: 4/5 -2022 05:34:09 Flashes: 1 Posts: 4 (
アカリがやってきたぞっ.swf | File: アカリがやってきたぞっ.swf-(9.66 MB, 1088x608, Japanese) Please help Anon :59 Anyone have that one /f/lash of a girl getting tortured but the whole point of the /f/lash was like...

11. [DMIYW1W] Discovered: 28/2 -2022 05:08:10 Flashes: 1 Posts: 20 ( !
crows.swf | File: crows.swf-(9.48 MB, 640x360, Other) Anon :08 Military crimes of Ukrainian Nazis against the residents of Lugansk and Donetsk. Anon :01 These atrocities were created by U...

12. [M7IDR1N] Discovered: 12/2 -2022 05:18:24 Flashes: 1 Posts: 1 ( F
torture.swf | / /swf/ Thread 24861 Age: 74.74d Health: 0% Posters: 1 Posts: 1 Replies: 0 Files: 1+2 George 12feb2022(sa)05:17 OP P1 Torture None [IMG] torture.swf (350.8 KiB) 500x400, Uncom...

13. [E7EUPA3] Discovered: 15/1 -2022 06:54:33 Flashes: 1 Posts: 4 (
Cock and ball torture from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia at Cock and ball torture, CBT, is a sexual activity involving torture of the male genitals. This .swf | File: Cock and ball torture from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia at Cock and ball torture, CBT, is a sexual activity involving torture of the male genitals....

14. [YF80Z5U] Discovered: 20/11 -2021 15:40:58 Flashes: 1 Posts: 3 (
sick_torture.swf | File: sick_torture.swf-(3.55 MB, 448x336, Loop) Anon :44 Anon :16 get this shit off of /f/, what's wrong with you? Anon :52 at least nobody's holding hands

15. [R2JDLJW] Discovered: 9/9 -2021 15:28:41 Flashes: 1 Posts: 3 (
afghan-baby-tortured-to- death-18avi.swf | File: afghan-baby-tortured-to- death-18avi.swf-(9.7 MB, 416x240, Other) taliban at it again Anon :01 Anon :08 Sorry for politics, but: Communistic Afghan: pioneer girls in shor...

16. [K4T2Z7Y] Discovered: 23/4 -2021 02:03:35 Flashes: 1 Posts: 3 (
The Torture Game.swf | File: The Torture Game.swf-(653 KB, 530x520, Game) Anon :23 Anon :53 gets sawed in half, and both arms cut off not dead shoot what's left on the shoulder this kills the person...

17. [RMYSF2Q] Discovered: 8/4 -2021 19:05:04 Flashes: 1 Posts: 6 (
Click here to pull boat.swf | File: Click here to pull boat.swf-(3.77 MB, 640x480, Other) Anon :09 my family was disappeared by the CCP today :( Anon :08 Seriously? Damn. Anon :51 Not something to joke abo...

18. [SVN3VU4] Discovered: 14/2 -2021 09:34:32 Flashes: 1 Posts: 3 (
纤夫的爱尹相杰;于文华.swf | File: 纤夫的爱尹相杰;于文华.swf-(9.8 MB, 352x244, Hentai) Chinese porn Anon :56 Like a hoop on a stick but on fire Anon :39 Everytime I rewatch this I feel like I missed it. Anon :21 ch...

19. [UBRJFV4] Discovered: 15/1 -2021 07:24:51 Flashes: 1 Posts: 2 (
Cock and ball torture from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia at Cock and ball torture, CBT, is a sexual activity involving torture of the male genitals. This .swf | File: Cock and ball torture from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia at Cock and ball torture, CBT, is a sexual activity involving torture of the male genitals....

20. [JIF0HRD] Discovered: 31/12 -2020 20:03:27 Flashes: 1 Posts: 7 ( F
Dawn of the Final Day.swf | File: Dawn of the Final Day.swf-(6.73 MB, 750x750, Other) OC for the occasion Anon :16 It warms my heart to see /f/ get over 6 times its usual traffic according to 4stats. Eve...

21. [EKVLAFM] Discovered: 11/12 -2020 00:52:16 Flashes: 1 Posts: 6 ( F
Cock and ball torture from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia at Cock and ball torture, CBT, is a sexual activity involving torture of the male genitals. This .swf | File: Cock and ball torture from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia at Cock and ball torture, CBT, is a sexual activity involving torture of the male genitals....

22. [TG6P3FP] Discovered: 2/10 -2020 09:59:58 Flashes: 1 Posts: 8 (
Bully PremiumEdition2.swf | / /fap/ Thread 20311 Age: 140.43d Health: 0% Posters: 8 Posts: 8 Replies: 7 Files: 1+3 Anon 2oct2020(fr)09:55 OP P1 [IMG] Bully PremiumEdition2.swf (1.62 MiB) 1195x645, Compre...

23. [MPSOYYH] Discovered: 10/9 -2020 16:38:52 Flashes: 1 Posts: 12 ( !
Dora gets fat.swf | File: Dora gets fat.swf-(5.96 MB, 480x270, Other) Anon :22 Anon :37 man the drama surrounding this dude never gets old Anon :17 wh O Anon :16 my brain hurts Anon :41 shmorky i...

24. [ENX9P43] Discovered: 3/7 -2020 21:27:39 Flashes: 1 Posts: 6 ( F
shavile_Arena_cracked.sw f | / /fap/ Thread 19239 Age: 103.12d Health: 0% Posters: 5 Posts: 6 Replies: 4 Files: 1+2 FapMaster__69 3jul2020(fr)21:26 OP P1 [IMG] shavile_Arena_cracked.sw f (16.84 MiB) 800x45...

25. [AY0UT58] Discovered: 29/6 -2020 00:55:58 Flashes: 1 Posts: 24 ( !
If you're 18 and you're black.swf | File: If you're 18 and you're black.swf-(6.55 MB, 848x480, Loop) Poor kids dindu nuffin Anon :04 Anon :11 excellent parody song, thanks OP. fuck black lives matters, it's just...

26. [NXI7UX4] Discovered: 25/6 -2020 17:40:44 Flashes: 1 Posts: 8 (
t082403.swf | / /fap/ Thread 19219 Age: 118.93d Health: 0% Posters: 6 Posts: 8 Replies: 7 Files: 1+2 Anon 25jun2020(th)17:37 OP P1 Guro Warning Guro Warning [IMG] t082403.swf (44.86 MiB) 64...

27. [JTMMRJH] Discovered: 21/6 -2020 16:11:30 Flashes: 1 Posts: 11 ( !
Chaplin Speech.swf | File: Chaplin Speech.swf-(7.48 MB, 400x224, Other) Anon :12 Anon :53 I wish Hitler was real. Anon :15 Too bad, 9/11 was an inside job. Anon :08 if the left continues with thei...

28. [U5FBCFZ] Discovered: 14/5 -2020 22:52:07 Flashes: 1 Posts: 1 (
Thanks, Doctor Goldstein!.swf | File: Thanks, Doctor Goldstein!.swf-(7.74 MB, 240x160, Other) Anon :35 Friendly reminder that the mutilation and torture of baby boys is still 100% legal in most of the world.

29. [XO9S551] Discovered: 5/5 -2020 05:22:00 Flashes: 1 Posts: 14 ( !
O.....K.swf | File: O.....K.swf-(5.99 MB, 288x216, Other) To celebrate 12 years of swfchan Anon :09 Anon :51 this guy sure does like screaming Anon :17 gore boner much Anon :42 Given by the...

30. [DE3T10A] Discovered: 4/2 -2020 16:49:29 Flashes: 1 Posts: 8 (
rabies.swf | File: rabies.swf-(6.82 MB, 476x360, Other) No Laughing Matter Anon :39 Anon :37 real snuff? on my 4chan!? Anon :41 was still hoping for a skinny puppy video Anon :30 https://w...

31. [VSBJBPQ] Discovered: 30/1 -2020 19:10:15 Flashes: 1 Posts: 8 ( F
いわれなきペァンツ.swf | File: いわれなきペァンツ.swf-(8.13 MB, 640x480, Game) [A] [Y] Anon :43 Anon :49 imagine how much disgusting faggot porn you need to wade through just to put together these meme videos...

32. [KGG3W90] Discovered: 26/9 -2019 04:41:54 Flashes: 1 Posts: 6 (
Medicine.swf | File: Medicine.swf-(948 KB, 500x377, Loop) Anon :23 Anon :12 At least put the good version Anon :18 i prefer second version Anon :05 Why does this haunt and torture me in a go...

33. [VE8XXP5] Discovered: 28/6 -2019 18:17:08 Flashes: 1 Posts: 3 (
sick_torture.swf | File: sick_torture.swf-(3.55 MB, 448x336, Loop) Anon :26 Anon :30 yup, techno is torture. Anon :17 string him up

34. [YJJTJ9I] Discovered: 18/4 -2019 03:26:18 Flashes: 1 Posts: 9 (
nya_nya_even_fuckin_high er.swf | File: nya_nya_even_fuckin_high er.swf-(3.79 MB, 1920x1080, Loop) Anon :32 Anon :24 Fuck Off Anon :01 No, fuck you leatherman. Anon :36 Fuck you, I'm corduroy, bitch Anon :21 Ma...

35. [RXTKNBP] Discovered: 17/3 -2019 10:35:10 Flashes: 1 Posts: 29 ( !!
find wyrmly's lair.swf | / /fap/ Thread 14672 Age: 126.84d Health: 0% Posters: 18 Posts: 29 Replies: 25 Files: 1+3 Anon 17mar2019(su)10:33 OP P1 That audio seems taken from a video that could cost you...

36. [VDO8AAJ] Discovered: 10/3 -2019 05:37:54 Flashes: 1 Posts: 5 (
torturegame.swf | File: torturegame.swf-(621 KB, 530x520, Game) Anon :00 Anon :00 This one takes me back. Anon :28 doesn't work for me, neither offline nor in firefox Anon :11 does for me Anon...

37. [S23FZPD] Discovered: 17/2 -2019 17:47:32 Flashes: 1 Posts: 1 (
sick_torture.swf | File: sick_torture.swf-(3.55 MB, 448x336, Porn) Anon :45 warning

38. [CPDCG3Q] Discovered: 26/1 -2019 11:11:08 Flashes: 1 Posts: 5 (
WEEKEND INSSIDE JOKE.swf | File: WEEKEND INSSIDE JOKE.swf-(3.64 MB, 854x480, Loop) Anon :16 Anon :28 howd you like that Anon :27 zap me harder daddy Anon :58 Do you have the one that goes EDDYYYY Anon :...

39. [YQQM60G] Discovered: 5/1 -2019 03:09:33 Flashes: 1 Posts: 7 ( F
popstick.swf | / /fap/ Thread 14314 Age: 60.01d Health: 0% Posters: 3 Posts: 7 Replies: 6 Files: 1+3 Anon 5jan2019(sa)03:07 OP P1 some movement [IMG] popstick.swf (6.46 MiB) 698x1017, Compre...

40. [PIODKCD] Discovered: 19/12 -2018 20:46:58 Flashes: 1 Posts: 7 (
rori.swf | / /fap/ Thread 14263 Age: 72.56d Health: 0% Posters: 5 Posts: 7 Replies: 6 Files: 1+2 Anon 19dec2018(we)20:45 OP P1 [IMG] rori.swf (2.09 MiB) 348x464, Uncompressed. 1352 frame...

41. [RTLXCE9] Discovered: 5/10 -2018 19:45:54 Flashes: 1 Posts: 15 ( !
Take_me_to_church.swf | File: Take_me_to_church.swf-(4 .27 MB, 1100x800, Loop) Anon :35 Anon :01 "Take Me to Church" by Hozier Lyrics Meaning The songwriter Andrew Hozier-Byrne is singing against chur...

42. [FFW0ICP] Discovered: 30/8 -2018 17:34:47 Flashes: 1 Posts: 13 ( !
lolitastic.swf | File: lolitastic.swf-(2.96 MB, 720x400, Hentai) [H] Anon :18 Anon :37 what was this Anon :45 ? Anon :46 hawt motion picture Anon :12 YEAAAAAH! Anon :45 I believe he is asking...

43. [FBH5L1W] Discovered: 21/8 -2018 14:11:44 Flashes: 1 Posts: 1 ( F
8-Nouvelles de Corée du Sud [Reportages approfondis] Prenant un sérieux coup du message menaçant.swf | / /b/ Thread 13718 Age: 0.75d Health: 0% Posters: 1 Posts: 1 Replies: 0 Files: 1+2 Cho, Yoon-yi 21aug2018(tu)14:08 OP P1 Nouvelles de Corée du Sud: [Reportages approfondis] Pr...

44. [F3S03HG] Discovered: 15/8 -2018 03:55:16 Flashes: 1 Posts: 30 ( !!
flan.swf.swf | File: flan.swf.swf-(4.98 MB, 720x480, Loop) flan flan :21 flan Anon :59 flan Anon :44 flan Anon :44 flan Anon :42 flan flan :21 flan Anon :04 flan? Anon :24 flan Anon :41 flan...

45. [CB9HGMW] Discovered: 17/7 -2018 02:58:55 Flashes: 1 Posts: 33 ( !!
fatherhood.swf | File: fatherhood.swf-(6.63 MB, 640x360, Other) remember this one? Anon :26 Anon :42 the fuck is happening Anon :20 What the fuck is this? Anon :30 daddy issues Anon :03 plz wt...

46. [GPZTBVJ] Discovered: 26/6 -2018 23:51:42 Flashes: 1 Posts: 9 (
Beep Beep like a sheep.swf | File: Beep Beep like a sheep.swf-(3.77 MB, 550x400, Loop) Anon :17 Anon :23 I own a farm, with multiple animals,including sheep Every time i see this autistic shit i torture o...

47. [PN54HGJ] Discovered: 17/6 -2018 21:53:28 Flashes: 1 Posts: 1 (
sick_torture.swf | File: sick_torture.swf-(3.55 MB, 448x336, Loop) Anon :33

48. [CCBQDVH] Discovered: 8/5 -2018 18:56:25 Flashes: 1 Posts: 15 ( !
3ee5c788c20ed639f3b4c104 5afd90100808051c387b82deb d8e1fe5d7b21708.swf | File: 3ee5c788c20ed639f3b4c104 5afd90100808051c387b82deb d8e1fe5d7b21708.swf-(3.56 MB, 750x500, Other) Flash archival project Anon :15 It has come to my attention that a project...

49. [E8DGNV8] Discovered: 7/5 -2018 02:24:46 Flashes: 1 Posts: 1 ( F
Park Geun-hye, Kim Ki-choon, Chung Hong-won, Yoo Byung-eun, Chung Woo-jun.swf | / /swf/ Thread 13231 Age: 2.55d Health: 0% Posters: 1 Posts: 1 Replies: 0 Files: 1+2 Jeff Haspel Ex-Husband 7may2018(mo)02:23 OP P1 Killing Gina Haspel CIA director to insert...

50. [UOLVOAF] Discovered: 7/5 -2018 01:57:55 Flashes: 1 Posts: 1 ( F
Park Geun-hye Michelle - Lesbian Anal Fisting.swf | / /swf/ Thread 13230 Age: 1.72d Health: 0% Posters: 1 Posts: 1 Replies: 0 Files: 1+2 Helen Garrison Howell Wray's Transgender 7may2018(mo)01:54 OP P1 Sex Torturing and beheadi...

51. [MBHHDPN] Discovered: 7/5 -2018 01:27:18 Flashes: 1 Posts: 1 ( F
Park Geun-hye and Chung Hong-won sex affair - Lesbian Fisting.swf | / /swf/ Thread 13229 Age: 1.74d Health: 0% Posters: 1 Posts: 1 Replies: 0 Files: 1+2 Robyn Lippert Mark's Transgender 7may2018(mo)01:23 OP P1 Genital Torture to Christopher Wr...

52. [WB6IF0I] Discovered: 6/5 -2018 23:37:34 Flashes: 1 Posts: 1 ( F
In The Blue House special mission Pleasantly satisfy Park Geun-hye.swf | / /swf/ Thread 13225 Age: 0.96d Health: 0% Posters: 1 Posts: 1 Replies: 0 Files: 1+2 Tiffany Trump Lesbian Daughter 6may2018(su)23:26 OP P1 Dissecting the body by killing Tiff...

53. [KIML4XE] Discovered: 6/5 -2018 22:39:29 Flashes: 1 Posts: 1 ( F
Crazy USA.swf | / /swf/ Thread 13224 Age: 0.98d Health: 0% Posters: 1 Posts: 1 Replies: 0 Files: 1+2 Ivanka Trump Transgender Daughter 6may2018(su)22:35 OP P1 Killing Ivanka Trump to dissect...

54. [JSSNX8S] Discovered: 6/5 -2018 20:43:22 Flashes: 1 Posts: 1 ( F
Obama Michelle Sadistic Sex.swf | / /swf/ Thread 13220 Age: 1.07d Health: 0% Posters: 1 Posts: 1 Replies: 0 Files: 1+2 Chung Woo-jun's Prostitute 6may2018(su)20:35 OP P1 Hillary was defeated election, mental i...

55. [RLCNGLA] Discovered: 6/5 -2018 19:19:54 Flashes: 1 Posts: 1 ( F
Michelle Obama is a tomboy.swf | / /swf/ Thread 13218 Age: 1.12d Health: 0% Posters: 1 Posts: 1 Replies: 0 Files: 1+2 Michelle Obama is a Transgender 6may2018(su)19:17 OP P1 Dissecting the body by killing Mic...

56. [VOE5QKL] Discovered: 6/5 -2018 18:17:25 Flashes: 1 Posts: 1 ( F
Michelle Obama is a black man.swf | / /swf/ Thread 13217 Age: 1.16d Health: 0% Posters: 1 Posts: 1 Replies: 0 Files: 1+2 Barack Obama 44th President 6may2018(su)18:16 OP P1 Rape and kill former US President Bara...

57. [J91AH2Z] Discovered: 25/3 -2018 00:42:40 Flashes: 1 Posts: 7 (
HomeRun.swf | File: HomeRun.swf-(1.99 MB, 640x480, Game) HomeRun.swf HomeRun.swf :52 post your score. Anon :50 0 because I'm not gonna bother letting that owl fuck me again. Not today. Anon...

58. [HW6E85B] Discovered: 20/3 -2018 06:08:54 Flashes: 1 Posts: 9 (
Brasilian girls farting compilation 17.swf | File: Brasilian girls farting compilation 17.swf-(6.82 MB, 322x307, Porn) Anon :57 Anon :47 dont know what i expected Anon :45 lold Anon :05 I don't know why but this makes me...

59. [UZH51GZ] Discovered: 2/3 -2018 13:18:58 Flashes: 1 Posts: 8 (
Desert_Pete.swf | File: Desert_Pete.swf-(9.39 MB, 1280x720, Other) Anon :46 Anon :56 This is some tortured metaphor for religion or some such, is it? Anon :30 I wonder how long it took to anima...

60. [BYLX2H6] Discovered: 5/2 -2018 21:51:54 Flashes: 1 Posts: 4 (
Daily Dose.swf | File: Daily Dose.swf-(8.15 MB, 640x360, Porn) Thanks Doc Anon :44 Anon :56 Thanks, Doc. Anon :48 Big pharma Anon :10 ruined by disgusting ape who should get tortured and made...

61. [HL4HNNJ] Discovered: 18/1 -2018 19:40:17 Flashes: 1 Posts: 4 (
nya_nya.swf | File: nya_nya.swf-(2.93 MB, 640x360, Loop) sa Gabe is a whore :38 as Anon :30 cancer Anon :41 Best ver. Anon :31 I don't understand why is this being posted it's so bad at lea...

62. [KGZD3AV] Discovered: 18/1 -2018 02:24:24 Flashes: 1 Posts: 2 (
milk-plant-2.swf | File: milk-plant-2.swf-(3.62 MB, 450x600, Loop) [O] [O] [K] [A] [T] [D] [E] [M] [T] [I] [T] [T] [I] [E] [S] Anon :33 Anon :42 sexual torture and rape are kinda the same thing...

63. [FLD3524] Discovered: 9/1 -2018 07:56:18 Flashes: 1 Posts: 4 (
KokorokokoroKOKOROkokoRO KOkoroKOKOrokoKOROkokoKok oro-chan iu na~!.swf | File: KokorokokoroKOKOROkokoRO KOkoroKOKOrokoKOROkokoKok oro-chan iu na~!.swf-(4.14 MB, 640x480, Anime) Anon :02 Anon :06 Used to listen to this every day, what a nostalgic flas...

64. [ZR2PIP9] Discovered: 23/12 -2017 19:48:41 Flashes: 1 Posts: 2 ( F
swissmade mission_impossible_the_m issing_nuke.swf | / /fap/ Thread 12481 Age: 55.02d Health: 0% Posters: 2 Posts: 2 Replies: 1 Files: 1+3 Anon 23dec2017(sa)19:48 OP P1 Swissmade Missing Nuke Just randomly click on the bottom ro...

65. [N3EOHIT] Discovered: 20/12 -2017 22:29:15 Flashes: 1 Posts: 2 (
torture.swf | File: torture.swf-(416 KB, 425x275, Japanese) Anon :30 I dare someone to try emailing this flash. Anon :14 lol

66. [P9B53IA] Discovered: 11/10 -2017 11:11:24 Flashes: 1 Posts: 35 ( !!
MAN.swf | File: MAN.swf-(8.37 MB, 480x272, Loop) this is how it goes Anon :49 Anon :08 pseudo edgy cookie cutter position Anon :59 this Anon :14 this Anon :58 this Anon :31 were bad peo...

67. [GM2IXNU] Discovered: 24/8 -2017 22:29:00 Flashes: 1 Posts: 1 (
sick_torture.swf | File: sick_torture.swf-(3.55 MB, 448x336, Loop) Anon :23

68. [SFUDVTN] Discovered: 24/8 -2017 10:02:12 Flashes: 1 Posts: 15 ( F !
autopsy_ward.swf | / /fap/ Thread 11853 Age: 100.02d Health: 0% Posters: 11 Posts: 15 Replies: 14 Files: 1+2 Anon 24aug2017(th)09:59 OP P1 [IMG] autopsy_ward.swf (5.96 MiB) 671x640, Compressed....

69. [DJDJBG6] Discovered: 24/8 -2017 10:02:12 Flashes: 1 Posts: 2 ( F
autopsy_ward_another_vic tim_that_day.swf | / /fap/ Thread 11854 Age: 50.01d Health: 0% Posters: 2 Posts: 2 Replies: 1 Files: 1+2 Anon 24aug2017(th)09:59 OP P1 [IMG] autopsy_ward_another_vic tim_that_day.swf (2.54 MiB) 6...

70. [KNAGKJ2] Discovered: 21/8 -2017 01:29:15 Flashes: 1 Posts: 11 ( F !
Mario is Missing PUT AS3.swf | / /fap/ Thread 11841 Age: 90d Health: 0% Posters: 9 Posts: 11 Replies: 10 Files: 1+2 Anon 21aug2017(mo)01:26 OP P1 [IMG] Mario is Missing PUT AS3.swf (36.69 MiB) 785x500, Comp...

71. [QFRGE0F] Discovered: 19/7 -2017 08:45:57 Flashes: 1 Posts: 12 ( !
medicine.swf | File: medicine.swf-(948 KB, 500x377, Other) Anon :18 song name? Anon :52 The title says it all: Medicine by Daughter watch?v=sf6mkYz4mx0 Anon :40 "swfc...

72. [QRODCVX] Discovered: 14/7 -2017 04:13:09 Flashes: 1 Posts: 15 ( !
katawa_crash_beta_8-36.s wf | File: katawa_crash_beta_8-36.s wf-(5.31 MB, 700x400, Game) Anon :06 Anon :37 First run I'm currently at 40,000. Holy shit And it's still going. Faster than before and I'm cling...

73. [S9NMCM8] Discovered: 10/7 -2017 01:51:47 Flashes: 1 Posts: 11 ( !
Woman-tortures-toddlerav i.swf | File: Woman-tortures-toddlerav i.swf-(4.14 MB, 480x360, Other) Anon :09 Anon :29 i forgot, this evil whore was imprisoned for this, right? Anon :05 BLACK LIVES MATTER Anon :39...

74. [GGECU7R] Discovered: 7/6 -2017 22:38:35 Flashes: 1 Posts: 1 (
sick_torture.swf | File: sick_torture.swf-(3.55 MB, 448x336, Loop) Anon :22

75. [Y5ELHUB] Discovered: 31/5 -2017 15:35:54 Flashes: 1 Posts: 1 (
sick_torture.swf | File: sick_torture.swf-(3.55 MB, 448x336, Loop) Anon :44

76. [B2ODXT4] Discovered: 26/4 -2017 23:41:07 Flashes: 1 Posts: 3 (
Hellfino Plaza.swf | File: Hellfino Plaza.swf-(7.83 MB, 854x480, Loop) :) :19 Anon :52 . ͜ʖ . Anon :32 this is voluntary torture

77. [XPNS4QD] Discovered: 24/3 -2017 18:13:59 Flashes: 1 Posts: 6 (
Cardcaptor Sakura OP HD.swf | File: Cardcaptor Sakura OP HD.swf-(9.79 MB, 960x720, Japanese) Anon :16 Anon :19 i just want to let you know OP, I love you. no homo just kidding FULL HOMO Anon :00 Hey, remem...

78. [JGUOQOS] Discovered: 9/3 -2017 23:48:52 Flashes: 1 Posts: 3 (
Obama_CIA_Torture_Author ization.swf | File: Obama_CIA_Torture_Author ization.swf-(6.05 MB, 640x480, Other) Anon :59 Anon :10 We need a new version for the new president. Anon :53 think of it as a documentary.

79. [PFN9BIZ] Discovered: 6/3 -2017 10:42:39 Flashes: 1 Posts: 17 ( F !
slave_lord_2.swf | / /fap/ Thread 10884 Age: 39.68d Health: 0% Posters: 15 Posts: 17 Replies: 15 Files: 1+2 Anon 6mar2017(mo)10:36 OP P1 [G] Slave Lord Part II (formerly Concubines Of Whoredor)...

80. [C8RI3MD] Discovered: 5/3 -2017 20:57:23 Flashes: 1 Posts: 38 ( !!
Show for children.swf | File: Show for children.swf-(8.84 MB, 640x480, Anime) /f/orced memes Anon :53 Anon :22 that's some deep penetration Anon :28 So how did they bring her back? Did that fatguy sh...

81. [V1ODSSV] Discovered: 4/3 -2017 17:37:09 Flashes: 1 Posts: 43 ( !!
Beef Stroganoff.swf | File: Beef Stroganoff.swf-(9.95 MB, 960x540, Anime) GUARANTEED REPLIES Anon :06 Anon :30 Black haired girl can suck my dick Anon :58 i think if u boil vegetables and meat in m...

82. [X9GWI2M] Discovered: 13/2 -2017 16:16:32 Flashes: 1 Posts: 16 ( !
toddler-tortured-by-woma navi.swf | File: toddler-tortured-by-woma navi.swf-(4.14 MB, 480x360, Other) Anon :38 Anon :03 Fun fact about this video: The woman in this video was beaten by the father of the child SO...

83. [FFYVC8O] Discovered: 13/2 -2017 12:39:16 Flashes: 1 Posts: 7 (
Obama_CIA_Torture_Author ization.swf | File: Obama_CIA_Torture_Author ization.swf-(6.05 MB, 640x480, Other) Anon :11 John H. Hamilton :03 it's monday LargeCheesSoda :31 REEEE posting oc b4 thursgay spoils the serpre...

84. [EXGN8XU] Discovered: 13/2 -2017 02:55:03 Flashes: 1 Posts: 8 (
baby-tortured-to-death-1 8avi.swf | File: baby-tortured-to-death-1 8avi.swf-(4.18 MB, 640x352, Other) Anon :26 don't click Anon :40 kinda thought these days of 4chan were gone. /b/tards will always be shit tier A...

85. [GV4GUCY] Discovered: 13/2 -2017 00:23:22 Flashes: 1 Posts: 11 ( !
Miss Dynamite - 09 - Miss Dynamite XIII - Torture.swf | File: Miss Dynamite 09 Miss Dynamite XIII Torture.swf-(1.12 MB, 780x352, Game) /r/ inside Anon :01 can someone post the swf with the audio of the oriental woman describing var...

86. [FVRQTRT] Discovered: 11/2 -2017 14:40:17 Flashes: 1 Posts: 3 (
sick_torture.swf | File: sick_torture.swf-(3.55 MB, 448x336, Loop) Anon :04 Anon :19 what's the audio source? Anon :59 ize.gif

87. [NV3GFFY] Discovered: 1/2 -2017 10:24:27 Flashes: 1 Posts: 70 ( !!!
No More Medicine v2.swf | File: No More Medicine v2.swf-(3.18 MB, 500x377, Loop) Anon :07 Started thinking about my future. Bit unhappy. Anon :07 I dropped out of school. But I'm about to start a progr...

88. [QSXN3G3] Discovered: 21/1 -2017 08:15:54 Flashes: 1 Posts: 9 (
BLM Tortures White Person.swf | File: BLM Tortures White Person.swf-(3.61 MB, 192x320, Other) Anon :25 Anon :41 this makes me extremely angry Anon :35 requesting ruka ruka's flash now to counter faggotry. An...

89. [C23TEX8] Discovered: 10/1 -2017 04:54:07 Flashes: 1 Posts: 33 ( F !!
If you're 18 and you're black.swf | File: If you're 18 and you're black.swf-(6.55 MB, 848x480, Other) Anon :46 Anon :05 very American reaction Anon :11 when you're so deep into confirmation bias that you don't r...

90. [PF5RBJG] Discovered: 9/1 -2017 19:09:55 Flashes: 1 Posts: 24 ( !
Bioshock.swf | / /fap/ Thread 10576 Age: 41.97d Health: 0% Posters: 16 Posts: 24 Replies: 21 Files: 1+2 Anon 9jan2017(mo)19:06 OP P1 [G] Zone Bioshock Zone Bioshock [IMG] Bioshock.swf (29.38...

91. [FJQOU1B] Discovered: 5/1 -2017 22:40:18 Flashes: 1 Posts: 33 ( F !!
#BLMKidnapping- Who’s to blame.swf | File: #BLMKidnapping- Who’s to blame.swf-(7.97 MB, 528x304, Other) Anon :07 Anon :36 World has gone crazy. I think im gonna stay indoors from now on. Stay indoors and build my...

92. [KOAAI6D] Discovered: 5/1 -2017 22:26:09 Flashes: 1 Posts: 21 ( F !
BLM Tortures White Person.swf | File: BLM Tortures White Person.swf-(3.61 MB, 192x320, Other) Anon :03 Anon :12 Importing black slaves was a mistake. Anon :07 No, setting them free was the bad idea Anon :28...

93. [RR2EVDT] Discovered: 5/1 -2017 06:39:46 Flashes: 1 Posts: 134 ( F !!!!
BLM Torture.swf | File: BLM Torture.swf-(3.69 MB, 192x320, Other) Black Lives Matter Torture Mentally Challenged Anon :56 Anon :03 Fuck black people. Torturing the mentally challenged is MY job...

94. [CDICQWK] Discovered: 18/12 -2016 07:52:22 Flashes: 1 Posts: 25 ( !!
tems.swf | File: tems.swf-(5.89 MB, 550x400, Hentai) Anon :48 Anon :33 this is not supposed to exist the fabric of space and time is collapsing fugggg Anon :29 Just now finding out about...

95. [HAP7ZLT] Discovered: 14/12 -2016 18:09:49 Flashes: 1 Posts: 1 (
sick_torture.swf | File: sick_torture.swf-(3.55 MB, 448x336, Loop) Anon :16

96. [CU8NPNW] Discovered: 29/11 -2016 15:43:14 Flashes: 1 Posts: 13 ( F !
eroge_2010_natu_0.swf | / /fap/ Thread 10189 Age: 28.2d Health: 0% Posters: 8 Posts: 13 Replies: 10 Files: 1+2 Anon 29nov2016(tu)15:41 OP P1 [G] reila, sexually teased slave this seems to have been d...

97. [NBDUPRD] Discovered: 21/11 -2016 07:36:38 Flashes: 1 Posts: 42 ( !!
MAN.swf | File: MAN.swf-(8.37 MB, 480x272, Porn) Anon :40 Anon :25 I'm sure the creator meant to make people feel bad but this is clearly Triumph of Civilization: Advancement of Knowled...

98. [M0SVVQH] Discovered: 14/10 -2016 19:45:06 Flashes: 1 Posts: 3 (
Drop the KoAkuma.swf | File: Drop the KoAkuma.swf-(8.53 MB, 1280x720, Japanese) /gsg/ Grand Strategy General A MASSIVE FAGGOT :10 We don't have an official steam or discord group. If anyone posts in...

99. [KDANHSY] Discovered: 5/10 -2016 04:05:49 Flashes: 1 Posts: 9 (
bully.swf | File: bully.swf-(514 KB, 1280x720, Anime) Anon :26 Anon :40 worst anime ever Anon :49 I cannot watch series where most of the jokes are at the expense of the main character. I...

100. [UGVBS7W] Discovered: 25/9 -2016 21:59:53 Flashes: 1 Posts: 4 ( F
StudioS-監禁調教-manga_01-Tr anslated.swf | / /fap/ Thread 9790 Age: 46.22d Health: 0% Posters: 3 Posts: 4 Replies: 3 Files: 1+2 Anon 25sep2016(su)21:55 OP P1 New translation Thank god they *bleep*ed when she says p***y...

101. [KIWOEBQ] Discovered: 13/9 -2016 11:54:27 Flashes: 1 Posts: 7 (
Mayoi.swf | File: Mayoi.swf-(2.41 MB, 464x810, Loop) wolfn Anon :33 Anon :44 guaranteed_replies.swf kys fag Anon ⭐ :27 Not knowing someone found sauce and was teasing us with it http://vo...

102. [RSJJMFD] Discovered: 3/9 -2016 05:20:18 Flashes: 1 Posts: 1 (
sick_torture.swf | File: sick_torture.swf-(3.55 MB, 448x336, Loop) Anon :35 you dont want to watch this

103. [P5R4OJ6] Discovered: 1/9 -2016 22:00:27 Flashes: 1 Posts: 323 ( !!!!!
Happy_Suicide.swf | File: Happy_Suicide.swf-(9.07 MB, 426x240, Loop) Anon :00 Goodbye /f/ I always hated you Anon :21 don't do it anon it is not yet your time Anon :37 it'll get better man don't...

104. [PRPJJUW] Discovered: 22/8 -2016 12:16:51 Flashes: 1 Posts: 2 (
sick_torture.swf | File: sick_torture.swf-(3.55 MB, 448x336, Loop) Anon :26 Anon :57 Guess there's no god out there today either

105. [UTGKB9H] Discovered: 6/8 -2016 23:17:20 Flashes: 1 Posts: 12 ( F !
StudioS-脅制淫口-kyousei_ink ou - Translated.swf | / /fap/ Thread 9516 Age: 61.08d Health: 0% Posters: 10 Posts: 12 Replies: 10 Files: 1+2 Anon 6aug2016(sa)23:11 OP P1 [G] Kyousei Inkou translated Translator Note: "Kyousei Ink...

106. [ZJUJ1HB] Discovered: 30/7 -2016 06:55:41 Flashes: 1 Posts: 35 ( !!
Flower Girl.swf | File: Flower Girl.swf-(6.26 MB, 800x450, Other) Anon :32 Try not to cry yourself asleep tonight anon Anon :37 Thats going to be difficult anon. Last week I lost my 6 month old...

107. [UCDCH90] Discovered: 27/7 -2016 12:43:16 Flashes: 1 Posts: 6 ( F
HUEofDisappointment.swf | File: HUEofDisappointment.swf- (9.35 MB, 640x480, Other) Anon :23 Anon :31 That's beyond disappointment. That's despair. Anon :31 This guy's suffering is delicious. I mean his...

108. [V8IB5AK] Discovered: 24/7 -2016 14:37:06 Flashes: 1 Posts: 2 (
sick_torture.swf | File: sick_torture.swf-(3.55 MB, 448x336, Loop) Anon :33 Anon :44 I have to agree listening to that was torture.

109. [KRTP2GK] Discovered: 6/7 -2016 23:08:28 Flashes: 1 Posts: 10 ( !
[Onara] 13o - Skunk Trap.swf | File: [Onara] 13o Skunk Trap.swf-(6.88 MB, 1280x720, Other) Anon :07 Anon :45 people who get aroused by this need to be killed as this is unnatural. missionary position repres...

110. [K78JREK] Discovered: 29/6 -2016 19:51:11 Flashes: 1 Posts: 131 ( !!!!
Man Children.swf | File: Man Children.swf-(9.48 MB, 848x480, Other) Anon :23 Anon :37 Well, I actually have been offended Anon :04 Ooh, sick burns, sick burns for everyone on the internet. Anon...

111. [RABWT48] Discovered: 27/6 -2016 00:32:14 Flashes: 1 Posts: 46 ( !!
knock knock knock.swf | File: knock knock knock.swf-(9.49 MB, 320x180, Other) Anon :36 amv guy :18 I really need to get around to watching this series. If it's anything like the first one it should b...

112. [DTD2IE8] Discovered: 19/6 -2016 15:14:31 Flashes: 1 Posts: 1 (
sick_torture.swf | File: sick_torture.swf-(3.55 MB, 448x336, Loop) Anon :21

113. [ULLIGDC] Discovered: 18/6 -2016 07:08:52 Flashes: 1 Posts: 8 (
outonthewaves.swf | File: outonthewaves.swf-(6.03 MB, 800x336, Loop) Anon :08 Anon :48 can't tell which side of the ship I'm on. Anon :31 it's the back Anon :41 the last blade had the best backgr...

114. [CK37WAB] Discovered: 10/6 -2016 18:16:43 Flashes: 1 Posts: 2 (
afghan-baby-tortured-to- death-18avi.swf | File: afghan-baby-tortured-to- death-18avi.swf-(9.7 MB, 416x240, Other) Anon :07 Anon :02 Thanks for this.

115. [FEPSL5Z] Discovered: 31/5 -2016 22:11:38 Flashes: 1 Posts: 16 ( F !
CWC Meets Doll.swf | File: CWC Meets Doll.swf-(9.37 MB, 432x240, Other) Anon :35 Anon :15 I feel bad for her. its like her whole lifes been some quasi joke and she got lost in it. one day she'll w...

116. [JU51YMV] Discovered: 31/5 -2016 18:10:09 Flashes: 1 Posts: 6 (
sick_torture.swf | File: sick_torture.swf-(3.55 MB, 448x336, Loop) Anon :41 is /f/ on speed today? Anon :51 music sauce pls Anon :48 watch?v=e3XntupxxtA Anon :21 your a f...

117. [KP3635Y] Discovered: 29/5 -2016 11:10:42 Flashes: 1 Posts: 3 (
sick_torture.swf | File: sick_torture.swf-(3.55 MB, 448x336, Loop) Anon :10 Anon :51 sauce of the song? Anon :32 chilliest music ever! infinite loop potential

118. [DKLA764] Discovered: 23/5 -2016 03:10:58 Flashes: 1 Posts: 12 ( !
ultimate amv.swf | File: ultimate amv.swf-(9.46 MB, 704x396, Anime) POST AMVs A MASSIVE FAGGOT :02 So.. yeah. I'm losing myself these days and I'm barely clinging to life. I'm a mtf trans woman,...

119. [FPE2F4T] Discovered: 18/5 -2016 07:06:57 Flashes: 1 Posts: 5 ( F
Xiao Mei Mei.swf | File: Xiao Mei Mei.swf-(2.3 MB, 320x240, Loop) Anon :52 Best version Anon :30 omg Anon :17 poor bird Anon :30 That bird is so good Anon :14 I know someones been playing this s...

120. [BORKQBH] Discovered: 7/5 -2016 16:38:47 Flashes: 1 Posts: 2 (
sick_torture.swf | File: sick_torture.swf-(3.55 MB, 448x336, Loop) Anon :05 Anon :15 thanks, finally something that made me laugh

121. [RKHJKO0] Discovered: 2/5 -2016 09:33:12 Flashes: 1 Posts: 4 (
sick_torture.swf | File: sick_torture.swf-(3.55 MB, 448x336, Loop) Anon :15 Anon :23 I don't know what it is but this always makes me laugh. Anon :02 you have a twisted mind, anon Anon :54 I hop...

122. [DS0X6GM] Discovered: 1/5 -2016 02:56:13 Flashes: 1 Posts: 6 ( F
sick_torture.swf | File: sick_torture.swf-(3.55 MB, 448x336, Loop) Anon :59 Anon :31 I really hope someone made a ytp of this with world's loudest orgasm Anon :06 Oh shit this is the first time...

123. [MRS3XFC] Discovered: 21/4 -2016 09:01:38 Flashes: 1 Posts: 7 ( F
demi.swf | File: demi.swf-(5.52 MB, 200x150, Loop) Anon :40 Spaghetti. Anon :30 "I'm pretty impressive" Anon :01 What the fuck is this? Why do I love it? Anon :44 It's like he just decid...

124. [J8JLVDT] Discovered: 18/4 -2016 22:37:27 Flashes: 1 Posts: 69 ( !!!
Gender Fluid.swf | File: Gender Fluid.swf-(9.9 MB, 720x720, Other) I hope you have a terrible day Anon :34 Anon :24 If you're entirely gender fluid, you need to open the cranial hood and let it...

125. [HPJA6CY] Discovered: 10/4 -2016 23:19:58 Flashes: 1 Posts: 13 ( !
Stop Torturing Robots.swf | File: Stop Torturing Robots.swf-(4.78 MB, 1280x720, Other) just stop Anon :09 ;_; Anon :44 what if in the future a god AI with no sense of humor sees this and kills us all did...

126. [QH7M8KY] Discovered: 6/4 -2016 15:18:29 Flashes: 1 Posts: 14 ( F !
Stop Torturing Robots.swf | File: Stop Torturing Robots.swf-(4.78 MB, 1280x720, Other) why you have to be so cruel Anon :52 ;_; Anon :33 How does frank's macbook keep talking after getting destroyed so m...

127. [HECZ7XU] Discovered: 31/3 -2016 09:09:58 Flashes: 1 Posts: 3 (
Obama_CIA_Torture_Author ization.swf | File: Obama_CIA_Torture_Author ization.swf-(6.05 MB, 640x480, Other) Obama rings in Thursgay Anon :50 Anon :57 I see black screen. Could be Obama. Anon :37 Top tier perfect

128. [H7SAOUM] Discovered: 27/3 -2016 06:05:05 Flashes: 1 Posts: 32 ( !!
theriddle.swf | File: theriddle.swf-(1.21 MB, 480x360, Porn) posting memes Anon :31 Anon :57 source? Anon :08 Imagine if all those girls farted at the same time. Anon :07 yeah because the onl...

129. [KMNFVUW] Discovered: 10/3 -2016 12:33:09 Flashes: 1 Posts: 1 (
Obama_CIA_Torture_Author ization.swf | File: Obama_CIA_Torture_Author ization.swf-(6.05 MB, 640x480, Other) Obama rings in Thursgay Anon :36

130. [XX02LZ0] Discovered: 29/2 -2016 20:17:01 Flashes: 1 Posts: 6 (
Torture Game.swf | File: Torture Game.swf-(9.33 MB, 320x176, Other) Anon :12 Anon :19 that intro is torture Anon :47 Source? Anon :10 Oh fuck, is the lp spam back? Anon :14 Is this yourmoviesuck...

131. [PWGOYUS] Discovered: 27/2 -2016 08:28:03 Flashes: 1 Posts: 2 (
Obama_CIA_Torture_Author ization.swf | File: Obama_CIA_Torture_Author ization.swf-(6.05 MB, 640x480, Other) leaked video reveals executive malfeasance Anon :25 Anon :52 Those guys in the straps, is that from a move?

132. [ZMITC20] Discovered: 26/2 -2016 05:10:24 Flashes: 1 Posts: 3 ( F
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAA.swf | File: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAA.swf-(2.45 MB, 1646x656, Anime) Anon :08 Anon :38 it's not continuous lame Anon :43 Have you seen Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy? There's a scene i...

133. [G2LNJTM] Discovered: 24/2 -2016 22:34:32 Flashes: 1 Posts: 33 ( F !!
Winter is Trumping.swf | File: Winter is Trumping.swf-(9.9 MB, 1280x720, Other) some new shit Anon :36 Hey Trumpfags. Quit reposting the same shit everyday. I like Trump too and hope he beheads all th...

134. [S92OIWC] Discovered: 5/2 -2016 03:20:38 Flashes: 1 Posts: 9 (
Violated Voices.swf | File: Violated Voices.swf-(6.72 MB, 560x420, Loop) Anon :21 Anon :24 ugh... i guess now I know what a Japanese woman trying to do an english accent sounds like. Too bad this i...

135. [BCJD21W] Discovered: 28/1 -2016 08:16:30 Flashes: 1 Posts: 5 (
Midnight♂Foo.swf | File: Midnight♂Foo.swf-(4.12 MB, 640x360, Game) [A][C][H][I][M][U][C][H] [I] Anon :47 Anon :11 original song? Anon :40 mfw I hear a song ive had stuck in my head for the last 2...

136. [DICURBQ] Discovered: 9/1 -2016 02:32:58 Flashes: 1 Posts: 13 ( !
afghan-baby-tortured-to- death-18avi.swf | File: afghan-baby-tortured-to- death-18avi.swf-(9.7 MB, 416x240, Other) Anon :11 Anon :53 that blood-curdling scream near the end pleases me. Anon :16 didn't watch the whole th...

137. [ZINTBRQ] Discovered: 1/1 -2016 02:49:37 Flashes: 1 Posts: 5 (
Beware the Krampus.swf | File: Beware the Krampus.swf-(1.77 MB, 320x240, Other) He comes... Anon :32 Anon :28 what is happening? Anon :08 Looks to me like the guy is tied up to hell and his dick is be...

138. [CECGF27] Discovered: 16/12 -2015 11:08:09 Flashes: 1 Posts: 9 ( F
SnT2vF.swf | / /fap/ Thread 8199 Age: 1.49d Health: 99% Posters: 8 Posts: 9 Replies: 8 Files: 1+3 Anon 16dec2015(we)10:59 OP P1 [G] Sakyubasu no Tatakai II Final release [IMG] SnT2vF.swf (...

139. [C2DOHNE] Discovered: 14/12 -2015 02:20:39 Flashes: 1 Posts: 51 ( !!!
God save the Queen.swf | File: God save the Queen.swf-(2.89 MB, 640x480, Loop) The sun never sets over the glorious british empire Anon :18 Anon :18 Briton My Country Tis Of Thee Anon :05 Really? Anon...

140. [MXGAFDR] Discovered: 27/11 -2015 06:23:42 Flashes: 1 Posts: 53 ( F !!!
Welcome to Brazil.swf | File: Welcome to Brazil.swf-(9.81 MB, 352x640, Other) JmTrad :26 have a nice death! Anon :40 They just don't give a fuck They're not the slightest bit concerned about being pu...

141. [VVX9SQM] Discovered: 24/11 -2015 07:41:43 Flashes: 1 Posts: 21 ( !
Arabic Hedgehog Porn.swf | File: Arabic Hedgehog Porn.swf-(4.39 MB, 616x336, Other) Anon :34 Anon :17 a fungus being cruel to a mammal is pretty funny Anon :30 oh boy incoming 50 posts! Anon :07 3 Anon...

142. [STR77L2] Discovered: 20/11 -2015 17:57:38 Flashes: 1 Posts: 11 ( !
はああああああん(全員分).swf | File: はああああああん(全員分).swf-(4.73 MB, 480x360, Japanese) Requesting the flash that goes "bo bi bi ba bow, one two three bo bi bib bow bah" Anon :55 Yeah I know, I'm being very vag...

143. [GX0GEAJ] Discovered: 8/11 -2015 08:45:35 Flashes: 1 Posts: 26 ( !!
Violated Voices.swf | File: Violated Voices.swf-(6.72 MB, 560x420, Hentai) Anon :26 Anon :51 What the fuck am I listening to Anon :27 IT KEEPS FUCKING GOING WHY THE FUCK AM I STILL LISTENING TO IT...

144. [RA49YL0] Discovered: 23/10 -2015 08:23:20 Flashes: 1 Posts: 10 ( !
isis torture footage.swf | File: isis torture footage.swf-(2.71 MB, 1024x768, Loop) You know it :52 Anon :47 thank god it was what i thought it would be actually even better Anon :05 desync I can apprec...

145. [K2GDAOD] Discovered: 22/10 -2015 02:31:17 Flashes: 1 Posts: 7 (
Free Pizza.swf | File: Free Pizza.swf-(5.6 MB, 320x240, Other) Anon :34 Anon :24 what is this from? Anon :16 I watched this movie after this was posted on /f/ the other day. After seeing this...

146. [Q3CNTHJ] Discovered: 18/10 -2015 20:37:14 Flashes: 1 Posts: 5 (
isis torture footage.swf | File: isis torture footage.swf-(2.71 MB, 1024x768, Other) Anon :26 Anon :22 brutal Anon :23 that poor dog Anon :32 this goes so far Anon :42 Well, watching this is some kind o...

147. [WNEITU8] Discovered: 15/10 -2015 01:23:30 Flashes: 1 Posts: 42 ( F !!
Arabic Hedgehog Porn.swf | File: Arabic Hedgehog Porn.swf-(4.39 MB, 616x336, Other) Anon :12 Anon :19 My fucking ears. Anon :03 fucking sand niggers Anon :17 It's louder than Sanic. Anon :31 sandniggers...

148. [B60C296] Discovered: 13/10 -2015 01:36:01 Flashes: 1 Posts: 3 (
自宅警備隊勧誘PV.swf | File: 自宅警備隊勧誘PV.swf-(9.65 MB, 320x240, Other) Anon :03 Anon :08 WHERE DO I APPLY Anon :58 Unless you have a lot of money, the neet life is torture and suffering

149. [RTQXL90] Discovered: 11/10 -2015 09:53:09 Flashes: 1 Posts: 9 ( F
ISIS member torture pt2.swf | File: ISIS member torture pt2.swf-(8.72 MB, 1280x743, Other) Anon :43 arrow keys Anon :16 Proceed. Anon :32 Kept locking up for me, can anyone clarify what happened. Anon :07...

150. [XNJW0HE] Discovered: 11/10 -2015 09:42:51 Flashes: 1 Posts: 6 ( F
ISIS member torture pt1.swf | File: ISIS member torture pt1.swf-(9.18 MB, 1280x743, Other) Anon :45 website got taken down by fbi before i could get the rest of the stream :( Anon :12 Where the fuck is Gan...*torture
Created: 3/1 -2025 08:34:23 Last modified: 3/1 -2025 08:34:23 Server time: 3/1 -2025 08:34:23